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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 15. Juli, 02:09

schön, dass du da bist

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gosh, that's been a great day - first Bob, Angela and me, we went to the lower Belvedere, where we meet Sturdust's parents and we attented the exhebition. It realy was/is intresting, they've got pictures of Monet, Klimt, Van Gough and lots of other painters.

Then we had relaxed lunch just around the corner at the Salm Bräu - there flew some bear and of course apple juice.

After lunch, just the three of us visited the Vienice Beach where we streched our toes into the sand.

and of course they wanted to see Sturdust's flat - which I've loved to show them - luckily I've done some tiding up earlier this morning ;)

The best comentar of the day: "You drive like a man" - which of course Stardust had to answer with an : "I drive like a woman !"

and the other one: when Stardust spent the first time at London (of course only few 20 years ago) Bob's sun decided, that he's had fallen in love with Stardust - but they
havn't ever told me - what if they had done, would I life in England now, who knows ?
Lorelei - 24. Juni, 13:52

Looks like you had a fun day there!

It's interesting to see that, apparently, those beach bars are all the rage in Vienna as well - they started to pop out of the ground everywhere in Berlin two or three years ago.

I love the green shirt you're wearing in the second pic (that's you, right?) Nice rack, girl! ;-)

And yes, all those "what if" questions.... sometimes it seems strange where our life leads us to, but I for one am sure that there is a hidden meaning in everything that happens along the way. Everything's gonna be a-ok.

Sternenstaub - 24. Juni, 21:01

yes, it's the same here, they started 3 years ago, but I realy do love relaxing there after work sometimes

and yes - thats me and it's a dress - thanks

frankly - I didn't mean this "what if" question that seariously ;) I just thougt that's a nice idea to think about

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